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Protection Hob Covers.

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Protection Hob Covers is a set of 8 metallic sheets which fit around your gas burners, covering your hub or cooker top.

Instead of oil grease or spills splashing or splattering all over your cooker creating a cooker cleaning issue, fit one of these protection hob covers.

Now you have a protective surface cover which can be lifted out and shaken or cleaned off and is cheaply and easily replaceable.

At 26 cm 10.25 in square your Protection Hob Covers are designed to fit all four burner cooker hobs.

Great for letting kids and teenagers cook without worrying about the stove top being stained. Terrific for foxing greedy landlords who catch people out by checking the cooker first at end of lease. Brilliant when visiting the houseproud. Ingenious if you are on a short stay and intend to sell your stuff and clean up on leaving.

With Protection Hob Covers you may even enjoy the thrills and spills of cooking.

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