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Loose pairs of shoes can be messy, which is why some clever chaps or chappesses came up with this idea of transparent, see through. clear shoe boxes to help look after your shoe storage needs.

The trouble with regular storage boxes is that you cannot see the contents.

With these you can identify exactly which shoe is which and choose the one you want.

We are supplying a pack of six, each one measuring 8.89cm x 17.78cm x 29.21cm ( 3.5in x 7in x 11.5in), though we are sure you have more pairs than that in your home and will be back for more.

Thinking outside the box, these are more than just for footwear.

All those toys, bits and bobs, drawer rattling junk could do with tidying up and storing (yes mum), but in a way that is findable.

Anything could look good packaged in a transparent box. Gifts anyone? Or maybe you have a business where presentation is all.

Or cashmere that needs extra protection, or seasonal socks.

Shoes or wherever the shoe fits, you can have these great clear shoe storage boxes. In a set of six.

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