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The Roottrainer set helps you create good rootballs when growing from seedlings, cuttings or seed.

You get two mini propagators, with a total of 40 planting cells, two watering trays and two transparent covers.

The cells are ingeniously designed to help create rootballs, good strong rootballs.

You will see that the roottrainer cells are a special shape with grooves to draw the roots downwards.

The base and sides of the cells allow excess root to go through where they are air pruned, coming off naturally.

There is a base and transparent lid so effectively the roottrainer set gives you two compact propagating boxes or mini greenhouses.

What you end up with is a plant plugs in each cell.

Now, with mini pots, say, you would need to break the plugs out of the pot destroying it, or force the plant out causing transplant shock.

With the roottrainer you lift out a group of four cells, find the group is hinged and opens revealing the plant plugs which you can peel out and replant.

As well as plants with a stronger root system, more likely to survive and be hardy against weather and pests, you have a propagating system which can be washed off an reused.

You will also be impressed how planting in cells minimises the amount of compost you have used and just how many seedlings you can fit in a small area,

You may also be pleased that the roottrainer set was made in Scotland.

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