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Pots And Containers Eight Cm picture

Pots And Containers Eight Cm.

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Yes, we are supplying 90 Plantpac 8cm pots together with 5 trays for that price.

Not an error.

These are shuttle tray and pot sets as you would see in a commercial garden, used for sprouting seeds, bringing on cuttings, and for training root plugs.

The idea is you have lots of plantings without taking up much space, organised in such a way as to be easily watered and checked on as well as moved around.

The shuttle trays are a compact 2 foot x 1 foot and about 3 inches deep, 60 x 30 x 7 cms approximately, each of the 5 trays takes 18 8cm pots, 90 pots, all included.

Now serious gardeners can have the same pots and shuttle trays as commercial gardeners.

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