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Mould Free Bath Mat Blue picture

Mould Free Bath Mat Blue.

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Here we have safety bath mats designed to be non slip, held in place by an astonishing 200 powerful suction pads, with bubble domes on the top surface.

As well as being reassuring and giving a sense of grip and safety underfoot, the bubble domes create a gentle massaging effect while you enjoy your bath.

You can really stretch out and relax as the 34.5 x 14 inch bath mats cover more of your bath.

Soft and gentle to the touch the bath mats are made from a supple vinyl, which, unlike rubber bath mats, stays flexible as time races by.

Unlike rubber bath mats these rest hardening, breaking and crazing.

The soft vinyl even resists mould and mildew as well as discolouring and peeling.

The designers have even designed in a curved space for easy access to your bath plug.

If you are handy with scissors, you can craft your own slip resistant shower mat out of theses bath mats.

Clever clogs can cut the bath mat to form washing up mats to help stop dishes and glassware knocking against the sink.

Easily remove for cleaning

Bath mats available in white bath mat and blue bath mat

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