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Garden Cloches Mini Greenhouses picture

Garden Cloches Mini Greenhouses.

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These pop up mini greenhouse cloches will protect and nurture your plants and vegetables where there is no call or need for bulky expensive glass.

Your cover is delivered (and you can store it) flat.

You undo a couple of ties and it magically pops up to a full 50.5cm x 66.5 cm

There is a generous 12cm base you can put bricks or flower pots on to anchor.

When you need to water or feed or care for your plants these are light and easy to lift off.

We also think it looks attractive, and will brighten up any corner of your garden.

When you have munched your delicious home grown tomatoes or had people ooh and ahh over your blooms, simply flatten and put away your pop up mini greenhouse cloche until next year.

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