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Three Station Buffet Warmer picture

Three Station Buffet Warmer.

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A scaled down for your home commercial grade food buffet warmer.

Sometimes catering for your family or entertaining is like, well catering.

People come back for seconds, or want different foods at different times, at different temperatures.

This home food buffet warmer caters to the need.

Three teflon coated aluminium dishes with transparent tough tempered glass lids sit on their heat pads.

Adjust the temperature of each pad and dish from 65c to 100c (a feature most domestic buffet warmers lack)

And meals can be kept hot for hours.

Ideal if people eat different things or at different times.

Commercial catering quality: stainless steel, 1500W power, cloth clean.

In a home friendly size: 6 in x 21.5 in x 10.5 in (15.2 cm x 54.6 cm x 26.7 cm)

UK Mains, UK only.

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