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Security Spikes.

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If you are a burglar and try to get onto a surface with these security spikes in place, the sharp cones are designed to dig into your hands as you try to support your weight, and the prickles to destabilise your feet.

As a home owner that is good news.

Getting spiky and prickly with burglars is easy.

Just fit the anti climb strips on fences, and on walls and along pipe work.

They come with preformed holes to fasten with screws or nails and will also bond with heavy duty glue.

Being ruggedised plastic makes the security spikes weatherproof and long lasting, but also allows curves or bends to be added after temporary softening with boiling water.

Anti burglar spikes come in sets of 10 strips, L 49 X W 4.3 X H 1.9 cm enough to cover a run of 4.9 metres end to end, but can also be used side by side for fuller coverage.

Current stock is white and can be painted.

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