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Water Hose Coil.

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Here is something of a scoop for you, a watering garden hose and a watering lance at an astonishing price.

The hose reaches 30 foot or 9 metres and comes with a metal tap connector, but this is no regular hose.

What we have here is a coil hose.

The hose is designed to not get twisted up and is made of a puncture resistant plastic.

Pull and the hose stretches out, release and it shortens again, like using a spring (giving new meaning to spring water)

When done, the hose coils pull back together and like a spring take up little space.

turning our attention to the watering lance, you have a 24 inch long arm, ideal for reaching up and watering hanging baskets, or reaching across a flower bed.

At the end of which is a watering head controlled by an on off switch.

This has 6 settings, taking you from gentle mist through rain to a pressure blast.

Now you can water flowers with delicate petals, wash the car or even blast your drive.

So there you have it, a 30 foot 9 metre coil garden hose and a six setting long watering lance together at one astonishing price.

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