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T Rex Gutter Cleaner Gutter Flusher picture
T Rex Gutter Cleaner Gutter Flusher picture

T Rex Gutter Cleaner Gutter Flusher.

T Rex Gutter Cleaner Gutter Flusher picture
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A problem with gutter cleaning is that they are generally out of reach.

This flusher adds more than a metre and a third to your reach (137cm), meaning you can now get into and clean more channels.

And whilst you are cleaning you will appreciate the quality and adaptability of this gutter cleaning tool.

Use the swivel head to direct the jet, feel the low weight as the tool is constructed from aluminium and durable plastic, enjoy the convenience of being able to turn the water on and off from the switch in the handle.

Whether you are a professional gutter cleaner or just someone who needs to remove light debris and leaves, this hose attachment cleaning tool is invaluable.

Just attach to your hose and reach for the gutter.

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