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Drill Bits Screwdriver.

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The Optigrip screwdriver drill attachment protects both screw and materials while giving you the speed you need.

As you know, when you use a conventional screwdriver drill attachment, the screws can easily strip, or be driven in too deep, slip at an angle, or sometimes shear off.

The Optigrip Screwdriver has balls which surround the screw, like your fingers would if you were hand screwing, supporting the screw as you drive it in.

The design further has depth control with your choice of 8 positions and releases when you are there and is designed to minimise stress and torque on your screws.

Amazingly, you can drive screws into plasterboard or drywall as well as applying enough power to drive in large wood screws.

The clever design also cuts down wear on itself so the drill screwdriver attachment should last for years.

Working on both corded and battery power drill, we include five 6mm .25in screwdriver drill bits, and so you can do a great neat job, three regular hexagonal drill bits for counter sinking and pilot holes.

So now you can use your power drill to speedily insert lots of screws helped by depth control, and without damage to screws or even delicate materials.

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