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Titan Master XL Drill Set.

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If you look around the web, there is a problem with titanium drill bits.

They are expensive, costing more than their weight in titanium!

This means that the home diy person is going to have few titanium drill bits.

Doing a job will mean making do with the drill bits they own rather than the correct drill bit.

Necessarily, the job is likely to suffer.

So how can the amateur have the benefits of titanium without drilling deep?

Titanium coated drill bits.

Containing a good selection for drilling Wood, Metal and Masonry

  • 7 Metal Drill bits
  • 5 Wood drills bits
  • 5 Masonry Drill bits
And as drills are also used for screwing things together
  • 5 Screw Driver Bits
And to help the job be done well:

  • 1 Magnetic Adapter
  • 5 Sizes of screws ( 95 pcs )
  • 5 Sizes of wall plugs ( 180 pcs )
  • Storage Case

Plus as a special gift we are adding in a Titanium Drill Saw

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