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Ratchet Screwdriver And Socket Set Tool Box picture
Ratchet Screwdriver And Socket Set Tool Box picture

Ratchet Screwdriver And Socket Set Tool Box.

Ratchet Screwdriver And Socket Set Tool Box picture
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Don't be without one of these great tool boxes with tools. It contains custom grip ratchet, 10 screw bits, 5 nut driver sockets, extension bar, utility knife, 3 ft. measuring tape, 2 precision screwdrivers, tweezers and a bit holder, 24 pieces in all. 6" x 10 1/2" x 1 1/4" high

The kit offers superior performance and strength for many projects big and small. Featuring a ratchet with extra strong grip and built-in storage in its handle

24 Piece Tool Boxes contain:

  • 10 Screw Bits
  • Extension Bar
  • 3-foot Measuring Tape
  • Tweezers
  • Durable Carrying Case
  • 5 Nut Driver Sockets
  • Utility Knife
  • 2 Precision Screwdrivers
  • Bit Holder
  • Strong grip ratchet
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