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Telephone Ringer Amplifier picture
Telephone Ringer Amplifier picture

Telephone Ringer Amplifier.

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It is annoying to miss calls through not hearing the phone ring.

The telephone ringer amplifier is designed to help.

It is simply an electric bell with a flasher powered by your wall socket, without extra electricity, or batteries or wiring needed.

Place the unit plugged in between your phone socket and and handset and you are good to go.

If you have broad band, the device needs to go after the splitter.

When a call comes in, both regular bell and amp ring, with the amplifier being two to three times as loud as an average telephone.

If you want things quieter, there is a handy on / off switch, or you can switch to flashing light only.

Measures 3.5 X 2.25 X 1.25 in fits UK BT (British Telecom) sockets, other countries may need an adapter.

Switch between, silent with flasher only, just the ringer, just the flasher, and off.

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