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Wireless Headphones.

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Here, for a change, is an offer with very few strings attached.

Just plug the wireless headphones transmitter into your computer, monitor, TV, DVD, in fact anywhere you have a stereo socket.

The transmitter then communicates using radio waves, so you can hear through walls, and at obscure angles, and around the house at up to 30 metres range.

If you are comparing, have a look at the positioning of the antenna, this one is designed to be as hassle free as possible.

It can make a big difference in use and enjoyment.

For audio geeks, there`s what the makers call "extraordinary tone" or to be precise and incomprehensible to most a signal to noise of 780DB and a frequency response of 50hz¬18hz

The transmitter runs off a 9v AC transformer, we throw in a UK one, but one of those multivoltage adapters you probably have around would do the trick. The wireless headphones use 2 x 1.5v.

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