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Swivel Seats For Cars.

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A lot of the trouble with swivelling to get in and out of cars or shift on a chair is friction as the weight of your body rubs against the seat.

These Swivel Seats For Cars are designed to reduce that friction, making movement easier.

They do this by having a flat, solid but flexible plate which has a none slip surface facing the seat.

The top of the plate is very smooth, and attached is a rotating plate of ultra sturdy, breathable fabric.

The fabric plate rotates, gliding over the smooth top of the more solid base, greatly lowering and reducing friction.

This makes your movement a lot easier.

The idea is to provide a slinky, thin, seat hugging solution rather than cushioning like our padded cushioned turntable style swivel car seat

In black, these Swivel Seats For Cars measure 15.5 inches 39cm across and can support up to 160kg 350lbs

The flat two plate design makes them easy to move, maybe between car and regular chair.

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