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Press And Stick.

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Ever get the feeling that if only someone would give you a hand, you could get a grip?

Yet everyday you feel like some double sided sucker holding on to things.

Press and Stick could just change your life.

With double sided suckers.

One 20 by 8cm or 8 by 3 inch and one a 10cm high or 4 inch hand shape.

All of a sudden there's a mobile phone holder for the car, a way to steady kitchen bowls as you mix, a hand to hold the shampoo as you shower, a way to cling your wi fi receiver to your monitor.

A grip and a hand so you can get on in life, and something to be a double sided sucker so you don't have to.

How does that grab you? Press and stick are pads of double sided suckers.

a pack comes with a handy strip. Put it on tiles and it holds bottles etc in place.

And a fun hand shaped double sucker pad.

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