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Naturecare Rosemary Spa Aroma Beads picture

Naturecare Rosemary Spa Aroma Beads.

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If you have a Naturecare Rosemary Spa nature sounds machine, these are the pack of replacement aromatherapy beads.

Just like in the original, you get a set of four jars with aroma beads to:

  • overcome tiredness
  • de-stress
  • deep relaxation
  • enhance breathing.

Ranging from a lively scent reminiscent of lemon to brighten you up, through soothing to a menthol effect to clear your airways (great for cold or flu).

As before these are warmed gently and wafted by the in built fan.

If you are new to the machine, as well as being a diffuser for these aroma beads, it is a sound spa with choice of 7 soothing sounds on a timer.

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