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Metric Drill Bits.

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These drill bits have been specially made so that you don't have to change when you're drilling different materials. They are brazed to ensure they can withstand extreme temperatures making them durable and flexible so there's no longer any need for you to keep bits for different applications in your tool box. Now, one set does the lot: steel to 70Rockwell, granite at 500RPM, concrete at 1000RPM, tiles and marble at 200RPM, glass at 100RPM and wood at 2000RPM. 7 bit set sizes are 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, 10 and 12mm.

  • drill bits for use with virtually all materials
  • made to withstand high temperatures
  • suitable for steel, concrete, glass, wood, tile, marble and much more
  • set includes all commonly used sizes
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