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Lift assist seat is a cushion with hidden hydraulics to give you a boost, lifting 80 percent of your weight, when getting out of a chair and gentle support when getting into a chair.

Set your weight between 4 and 100kgs (6 settings) and the correct strength of uplift is supplied helping you get up, the support following your natural movement.

When seated, you think you just have a 2.5 cm high density foam cushion, distributing weight and making you feel comfortable.

But when you want to move, instead of struggling and straining your arms, you are automatically given help getting out of your seat.

For a lot of people this device means not needing to call helpers and being much more independent.

Lift assist seat is durable with an easy clean double knit polyester fabric.

Liberating when used with chairs, wheelchairs and even car seats.

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