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Hot Dish Grabber.

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Sometimes oven gloves do not have enough grip, or are too fiddly to put on, and pot holders are too flimsy.

It is time to get out the hot dish grabber.

Put the clamp jaws around your dish or plate, hot from the oven, or microwave.

Clasp the handles together.

It is fine with the heat, the hot dish grabber is metal but with silicone covers able to withstand up to 200c, 392f.

And now you have a real grip on the situation.

A rubberised grip that can lift 2lbs, 0.90kg .

Carry, the handle keeps your hands away from the heat of the oven rack and the dish.

Safely set down and release, and bon appetit.

If that has wet your appetite for the hot dish grabber, you may like to obtain two to make a pair, ideal for larger plates or even casserole dishes.

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