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Hair Wash Trays.

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Let`s face it, washing hair can get a little hairy.

People have been hurt using salon basins, children hate soap getting in their eyes, old people and disabled may not have the flexibility to put their hair under water.

Not to mention the back strain of the person washing and rinsing hair.

Enter hair wash trays.

The person having their hair washed is seated. The rubber lined hair wash tray hugs against their neck (held or stabilised with 35 inch arm strap) and grips the sink. Water flows over the hair into the sink, with raised edges to minimise mess.

We can see self employed hairdressers using these when they do home visits and do not have access to hair salon equipment.

We can see people in wheelchairs benefiting and looking great.

We can see the frail elderly, being given a hair washing boost to their confidence as they sit in a chair.

We can see parents washing children's hair and bath time being a time of happy splashing and no longer being a source of conflict.

All through the hair wash trays, a simple bit of hair washing equipment.

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