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French Fry Cutter.

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French fry cutter potato chipper is smashing if you want to cut your own fries.

Drop your potato into the machine.

No need to cook first.

And squeeze the lever.

A smart backplate pushes your potato through the solid stainless steel grid.

Chips pop out ready to be cooked.

Up to 25 of them, half inch square.

The perfect in between string cut and thick cut to please everyone.

You will love the way your potato chipper has a temporary suction action to hold fast and firm to your work top and the ease and speed.

You may even grab carrots, apples, cheese and whatever else comes to hand for the fun of it, and discover you have a pile of attractive healthy batons to eat with unhealthy dips.

French Fry Cutter measures 4 x 9.8 x 5 inches.

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