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Apple Pro Peeler.

Apple Pro Peeler picture
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The Apple Pro Peeler is, as you can see amazing.

Rather than your carefully working away peeling apples by hand, let this lathe`s blade glide over the apples.

Peeling without waste, only the peel is removed.

Or mess, the apple skin comes off in a strip.

With stable suction base, your apple peeler is held firm. So you can get through peeling a lot of apples fast.

The results are great.

See those naked apples?

Imagine them on the table or in a recipe.

Or if you prefer use the free apple corer slicer to cut the apples up.

Without having to hold sharp knives, children can use these.

In fact it is so much fun, try stopping them.

And while children are eating apples, (a good thing), they are also learning about cogs and gears (a great thing).

Adults with arthritis will also thank you for these.

No painful fiddly manipulating.

Just whack on, turn the handle and done.

Your kitchen drawers are probably full of kitchen gadgets.

But not this one.

We have apples all year round, and it is beautiful.

Leave on the counter as a sculptural decorative object, and hear the comments and questions and compliments flood in.

Then give these apple peelers as appeeling gifts.

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