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Divided Saucepan Six Inches.

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Eight inch divided saucepan available.

Divided saucepan comes with a pan separator to split the pan in four, this allows you to cook four items at once on the same ring or hob.

The divider is removable, so you can use divided saucepan in the regular way.

As you can see the divided pan is handsome, and as well as a pan divider, comes with smart design touches.

See the excellent metal rimmed glass lid, the protective heat resistant knob thoughtfully seated on a finger guard, and the vented metal riveted steam vent.

At six inches (15.2 cm) across the divided saucepan can cook 1.5 pints of food.

You will also be delighted by the solid carbon steel construction (sorry induction hob owners), the elegant black enamel surface outside, the none stick inside and the heat resistant handle.

We have two Divided Saucepans for you, this 6 inch 1.5 pint pan and a larger 8 inch (20.3 cm) 2 pint pan larger divided saucepan

Like other fine cookware, minimising scratching non stick surface and hand washing recommended.

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