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Desktop Basketball picture

Desktop Basketball.

Desktop Basketball picture
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This desktop basketball set is probably the best available.

Something you would be proud to present as a gift.

Something which will actually look good on someone`s desk.

Something pleasing people will want to have it out and use instead of hiding it in a cupboard.

As you can see the desktop basketball set is solid wood and metal.

You get a gleaming wooden playing field all marked out, a spring loaded shiny metal launcher, three polished wooded balls, and a dinky miniature net on its own metal hoop against a stylish backboard.

What you don`t get are the corner cutting you see in other desktop basketball sets.

Look around and you will see cheap twangy bits, gaudy colours and heavily toy like plasticy construction.

"I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing." Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

When this basketball set was designed, the designer must have been listening.

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