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Brownie Pan picture

Brownie Pan.

Brownie Pan picture
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A brownie pan with divider which crisps and browns the edges of each.

When baked, the cooling rack can lift the removable baking tray base out of the pan, releasing the individual pieces from the pan.

Or, if you prefer, cool on the cooling rack as shown and keep the mini chocolate cakes neatly in the pan.

We all know the best brownie is the one on the corner with crispy edges.

Now all edges of every one can be crisp.


by using a tray with divider.

The pan and grid between the batter gets hot.

The cake squares individually brown and crisp.

Timed right, Out come 15 servings soft and chewy on the inside, crisp around all edges.

Cake or brownie pan with divider and lifting out feature measures 5.1 cm x 20.3 cm x 30.48 cm 2 x 8 x 12 1.4 in and can be washed in a dishwasher.

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