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Bit Shooter Screwdriver picture
Bit Shooter Screwdriver picture

Bit Shooter Screwdriver.

Bit Shooter Screwdriver picture
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The bit shooter screwdriver comes with 12 screw bits organised in two cartridges.

You rotate the cartridge and pull to load and lock.

Instead of having a tool box with expensive screwdrivers you just have the one.

And lock and load the bit you need

No more rummaging, it is in your hand or organised in the spare cartridge.

As well as regular heads you will now own rarer ones like hex key, square, and torque.

Chances are that part you could not repair as you could not open it opens up.

Saves you buying exotic screwdrivers you won`t use often as well as enabling you to save when doing your own repairs.

The cartridge rotate lock load mechanism is also pretty cool.

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