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Bird Song Clock picture

Bird Song Clock.

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Bird song clock chimes with the song of a different British bird each hour during daylight.

At night, 9.01pm to 5.59am a timer keeps your birds quiet.

The beautiful art pictures of British birds on these wall clocks are lovely to look at and the recordings are of digital quality.

Many owners find bird sound wall clocks fun, they enjoy hearing the birds, seeing their cats react by trying to climb the wall or jumping or in puzzled investigation, seeing children wait for the chime with anticipation, watching visitors surprised reactions.

More seriously soon you and your family will be able to identify the featured British Birds by both sight and sound.

Get to know the Tawny Owl, Chaffinch, Cuckoo, Great Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Song Thrush, Barn Owl, Wren, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Nightingale and Robin.

Going for a walk and being able to identify British birds is wonderful at any age.

The green framed singing birds clock is soft and not annoyingly loud and works off batteries, measures 22cm 8.66 inches with a 17 cm 6.69 inch face.

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