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Apple Peeler picture

Apple Peeler.

Apple Peeler picture
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Turn the handle.

You have an apple, clean bare out of its skin.

The skin in one long piece.

And no waste.

Who would have guessed the most exciting tool in your kitchen would be an apple peeler.

Comes with recipes, extra blades and instructions.

Fun, super fast, easy to use, a great gift and amazing.

  • Have a lot of apples to do? Great!
  • This kitchen tool will peel them fast
  • Takes skin off in one long piece
  • Does not waste apple
  • Easy to use
  • Very stable with suction grip feet
  • Fun for Kids, Fine for Arthritis
  • Effective, attractive Apple Peeler
  • 3 Extra blades, instructions and recipes included.
  • Great Gift.
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