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Weed And Moss Removal Brush.

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Removing moss or removing weeds from block paving means really getting into the cracks and gaps to rake out and clear.

The long handled weed and moss removal brush comes with two clever brush heads, each fitted with two rows of steel wire bristles angled to form a long v shaped point.

The v point reaches into the crack and rakes and flicks and scratches out your moss, weeds and stray grass.

On the 10cm head, as well as the tough springiness of steel wire brushes you get a sharp galvanised steel point on the front to really get into those gaps.

The 13 cm head comes with a second set of shorter stiffer bristles to use as a steel reinforced scrubber to quickly clear larger surfaces.

Like getting rid of moss on a driveway or patio.

The handle, specially angled for maximum efficiency, is 1.5 m long giving plenty of leverage and reach, yet unscrews into three sections for easy storage.

Easily remove weeds and remove moss from gaps in block paving with the weed and moss removal brush.

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