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Wash Balls Set Of 2.

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Wash balls contain a natural washing soda which removes stains and dirt and softens water much like a soap powder, but are kind to the environment, gentle on fabrics, less irritant than detergents and amazingly last for about 100 washes each.

Directions for Use

Suitable for Machine and Hand Washing and capable of cleaning up to 100 wash loads based on a 30 minute cycle. If wash cycles are shorter, Wonder Ball will last even longer!

  1. Place washing in washer, taking care not to overload. Use one for loads up to 3kgs, for loads over 3kgs use two Balls.
  2. Use the Stain Remover on stubborn dirt and stains prior to washing.
  3. Select required programme (DO NOT EXCEED 80°C OR LOAD SIZE). It is not necessary to remove the Wonder Wash Balls during rinse, spin or drying cycles.
  4. When washing is complete, remove, leave to dry then store in a cool, dry area ready for next use.
  5. Each ball lasts approx. 100 washes, change the pellets when they get smaller (3mm), shapeless and whiter and dispose of safely.

    Hand Washing: Pre-soak laundry for 20 minutes with the Wash Ball, then wash as normal.

    How to Refill

    Remove the blue rubber seal around the ball, screw ball open, remove used pellets and replace with new. Screw Ball back together and replace rubber seal.

    CAUTION: Wonder Wash Balls are not toys and should be kept away from children.

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