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Beautiful Wallpapering is all in the preparation and finish, and to assist with both here is a great set of wallpapering tools.


You need a clean sound surface, the wallpapering set has a multipurpose scraper to make removing old wallpaper easier.

When done you will find this scraper handy for paint stripping tasks around your home.

A trade secret is to stabilise the surface with a sealant such as diluted PVA.

To help with this a clever opener with positions for tins and bottles is included.

This can later slip into your tool kit as a useful paint can opener.


You will have need to cut your wallpaper roll down to wall length strips.

This can be fiddly and unwieldy.

The wide cutting guide helps you cut accurately and if you have done a similar project in the past you may be surprised by how much wastage is reduced.

Some of those designer paper designs are really expensive!

You will also need good sharp knives, it is surprising how textured paper can quickly blunt a knife, two are included in the wallpaper tool kit.

This is as one usually gets covered up when you work and having two saves a lot of frustration.

The craft knives are good value as the special blades can be snapped off to reveal fresh blades as they blunt.


You may find the wallpaper edges and corners have a springy mind of their own

The kit includes a seam roller to smooth down the edges and help create seamless joins.

You may also find bubbles under your wallpaper, and a paper spreader is included to help fix that.

Some people have hang ups over wallpapering, but with the right preparation and finish the wallpaper tools kit helps you to achieve the results you want.

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