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Ultrasonic Pest Control.

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These ultrasonic pest control machines have a tuner so you can pick out the type of pest you want to deter.

Different pests hear at different frequencies.

This means that you don`t upset your dogs if you want to scare off mice, or birds if is used as a cat deterrent.

The ultrasonic pest control machines are portable and fully weather proof so you can use them outside and run off batteries so they can be placed anywhere.

The battery use is clever, there`s a PIR sensor, so it only blasts when it sees something within 30 foot. (The blasts are quite loud and scary as it takes 6 C batteries but only the target type can hear them)

The sensor acting as a switch means you can use the ultrasonic pest control machine around the clock without worry.

Deterrent to:

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Deer
  • Rodents
  • Insects
  • Wasps
  • Foxes
  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Squirrels
  • Racoons

We like that creatures who are just in the wrong place are discouraged rather than killed and that poisons are not used.

You can use the ultrasonic pest control machine as it is or fasten it to a wall or fence.

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