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Microtweezer With Light picture

Microtweezer With Light.

Microtweezer With Light picture
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Instead of shaving which just cuts hairs, microtweezers grab hair and pulls it out by the root, but does it really quickly to avoid pain and soreness.

A powerful motor operated by 2 x AAA batteries (not included) drives steel discs at great speed.

As you buzz over your skin, hairs are caught between these discs which then pull.

Instead of cutting through the hair shaft, the follicle and root are extracted.

When hair does grow back it is finer and more downy and less visible.

As the hairs are whisked out it is a fraction of the discomfort of pulling out hair with tweezers and is a lot quicker.

You are also not putting potentially irritant depilatory creams on your skin.

As you are not shaving cuts and nicks are avoided, and the lack of abrasion reduces skin irritation, even in areas like your upper lip, cheeks, arm pits and bikini line.

Microtweezer has a build in bright LED light, comes with a brush and measures 5 in x 1.33 in x 1 in (12.7 cm x 3.4 cm x 2.5 cm).

Comes in racing red with a pretty floral flourish.

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