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Tri Wheel Stair Climbing Shopping Trolley Cream picture
Tri Wheel Stair Climbing Shopping Trolley Cream picture

Tri Wheel Stair Climbing Shopping Trolley Cream.

Tri Wheel Stair Climbing Shopping Trolley Cream picture
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You will love going up and down stairs and over steps and kerbs with the stair climbing shopping trolley.

The tri wheels act as levers and balances to distribute the weight of your shopping to eliminate lifting when there is a step.

It is amazing to use, and also fun. Both up and down steps.

Easily manoeuvrable in even narrow aisles, load up your Tri Wheel Stair Climbing Shopping Trolley Cream, the sack like bag takes up to 15kg of tins bottles, cans and regular shopping.

At 41 cms wide,95cms high to the top of the bar and 26 cms deep there is a lot of space in a compact area, and a tough aluminium metal frame to take the load.

When done with the shopping unload, and the shopping cart lifts and folds easily away.

As you can see the Tri Wheel Stair Climbing Shopping Trolley Cream is outstanding in the way it helps make your life easier.

So there is no need to look fussy, the graphic butterfly design is nice but does not announce itself.

So where do we send your Tri Wheel Stair Climbing Shopping Trolley Cream, so that you can love it?

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