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Radio Controlled Clocks Travel LCD Alarm Clock picture
Radio Controlled Clocks Travel LCD Alarm Clock picture

Radio Controlled Clocks Travel LCD Alarm Clock.

Radio Controlled Clocks Travel LCD Alarm Clock picture
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If you do not have much space on your bedside table or travel in the UK a lot Radio Controlled Clocks Travel LCD Alarm Clock is just the thing.

Absolutely tickataboo without the tick.

You get these lovely large numbers so that bleary eyed, maybe in a strange place you can see the time.

You get a loud alarm with snooze and an excellent backlight.

Best of all you get the spot on accuracy of not a regular clock but an atomic clock.

Radio Controlled Clocks Travel LCD Alarm Clock actually updates itself using the UK national Time signal.

Yet the radio controlled travel clock is so small it works from 1 AAA battery.

Dinkily designed, the stand flips over to create a protective cover for the clock face.

Shoehorned within the minute alarm clock are that gorgeous clear time display with alarm and backlight, a digital thermometer, and a day date calendar.

Radio Controlled Clocks Travel LCD Alarm Clock is guaranteed for 2 years, and comes with full instructions.

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