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Meat Thermometers.

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When roasting or barbecuing it takes smarts to avoid overcooking or undercooking meat.

Smarts are included in the meat thermometers.

Simply press a button to select whether you are cooking beef, veal, lamb, turkey and chicken, and press a second button to request rare, medium rare, medium or well done.

The smarts get to work.

See the display panel confirm your instructions.

See the large, clear temperature reading in centigrade or fahrenheit..

When the meat is done to your specification, see the temperature flash and hear the beeping alert.

Nothing burned, nothing undercooked, just smartly cooked meat.

Having a meat thermometer with pre programmed settings makes BBQ, roasts, Christmas and thanksgiving turkey easier to cook

As well as simplicity and ease, it is smart to make sure meat is cooked to the recommended safe temperature, and not get poisoned.

The 15 in / 38.5 cm long meat thermometer forks have you smartly covered.

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