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Insulated Gravy Boat picture

Insulated Gravy Boat.

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The insulated gravy boat is something to make you go " wow " everytime you have it on your table, it looks like something that would turn up on the Antiques Road Show, yet is affordable.

And practical.

That shiny surface you see is Chrome and ABS, and inside it is solid stainless steel

Pour in your gravy, shut the lid, the jug is insulated and your sauce stays hot.

Pour out your gravy and admire how well designed the spout is. You will see your smile in the chrome reflection.

Pass the gravy around, the gravy boat is 7 inches high and there`s room enough for 3 quarters of a pint.

See everyone elses smiles reflected, until it is time to wash up.

And there`s yet more gravy:

The Insulated Gravy Boat is rinse clean.

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