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Glow In The Dark Stair Treads picture
Glow In The Dark Stair Treads picture

Glow In The Dark Stair Treads.

Glow In The Dark Stair Treads picture
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Glow in the dark stair treads are one of those rare examples where health and safety is actually fun.

Rip off the self adhesive sticky strips on the back of these luminous stair treads and fit them on your steps.

You now have a material which helps prevent slipping on your protecting your stair.

You have got a grip and you will need one.

Come the dark the stair treads glow in the dark with an almost supernatural green glow.

Spookily, as well as being fun, you can see where to put your feet in the dark. Less chance of missing a step and falling.

Used indoor or out doors, these Glow In The Dark Stair Treads are both fun and serious.

Measuring 39cm x 17cm 15.5in x 6.75 in, and in packs of four, why not see your way clear to purchasing some.

How many steps do you have?

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