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Garden Lawn Edging Terracotta Look picture
Garden Lawn Edging Terracotta Look picture

Garden Lawn Edging Terracotta Look.

Garden Lawn Edging Terracotta Look picture
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The Edwardians taught us to use garden stones to separate flower beds from grass, typically using materials like terracotta.

Unfortunately, nowadays, the cost of terracotta lawn edging means you need a pot of money or to be pottery to pay the price.

Here we can supply you with look alike mouldings in sets to cover 1m 33cm or 4.4 ft length for a more potable amount.

When the earth is soft, you take the garden lawn edging sections, and push them in where required, there are six to a pack, each 24 x 6.5cm 9 x 2.5 in

Each bit is cleverly designed to clip into the next, allowing you to create a straight run or curved edging.

The material is ABS, the same as drainpipes are manufactured from so is tough as can be.

Garden Lawn Edging Terracotta Look looks beautiful, and also works beautifully, saving you work.

The Edwardian gardeners as well as creating a decorative idea, realised they were also cutting down on lawncare, keeping edges neat without trimming and creating a barrier to grass growing in the plant beds and weeds going onto the lawn.

So how many 1m 33cm or 4.4 ft length sets do you need for your garden?

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