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Distance Pedometer.

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You are likely to spend a lot of time with your distance pedometer so it is sensible to get a nice one, whether just counting your daily steps, as running gear, for training or to measure walking distance.

The step counter on this distance pedometer, as you would expect, shows the number of footsteps taken, steps in a mile or in a kilometre simultaneously.

As you would not expect a voice (turn offable) can also tell you.

eg: "you have walked 3 miles"

in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese or Spanish!

Fun, but serious, you can register goal achievement of up to 99,999 steps or 199,99 miles or 199,99km over time.

A marathon is 42.195 kilometres or 26 miles 385 yards! So that could be a lot of marathon training.

Or a lot of days if you are using the counter while working on your 10000 steps a day.

You can also get a running pacer to encourage you in your training.

To use this feature, select one of the seven tunes to play as you run or walk, these helpfully speed up as you do.

There is also a talking alarm clock with four different alarm sounds.

To get you up and running right away it comes with an easily replaced CR2025 lithium cell.

As you can see the screen is clear, yet the whole unit fits into 50 x 64 x 23mm and clips onto your belt.

This is a nice talking distance pedometer

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