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Body Lotion Applicator.

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You want to put liquid soap or cream on your back or legs, but it is tricky.

Now with this long handle body lotion applicator it is simple.

Load up the waterproof container and put the top on firmly.

There are 19 little plastic marbles in the head, when they roll, a little is dispensed.

Just like a roll on deodorant.

Nice and evenly.

The applicator head is 3 in across so covers a decent area.

Which is reachable with the 15.75 in handle

This is great news for people who are big or have limited flexibility or pain.

The 19 marbles give a lovely massaging sensation as they roll, and you can remove the handle and be more hands on.

Maybe you can find a volunteer to give you a special massage treat.

When you are done, a handy clear cover slips on to the body lotion applicator head to keep your lotion or liquid soap safe until next time.

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