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Bath Seat With Handle picture
Bath Seat With Handle picture

Bath Seat With Handle.

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The rather charming bath seat with handle looks like a friendly helper, and is.

Taken into your shower or bath you will daily appreciate the chair`s special features.

Adjust and adapt for height, and level of flexibility and mobility, then change as need be.

The thoughtful special features will be appreciated everyday.

See the wide, stable feet?

They adjust the seat height from 42cm to 54cm

Note the handles on the backrest for easy moving.

See the handles on the seat?

The carefully designed drainage.

The ergonomically designed seat well.

The notches in the seat to hold things as you wash.

Fully extended bath seat with handles measures 54cm x 42cm x 79cm

Made from strong PVC your friendly helper bath seat with handle bears up to 299 kgs

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