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Vacuum Cleaner Attachment Upholstery Brush picture
Vacuum Cleaner Attachment Upholstery Brush picture

Vacuum Cleaner Attachment Upholstery Brush.

Vacuum Cleaner Attachment Upholstery Brush picture
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Ideaworks Upholstery Brush vacuum cleaner attachment gives the focused narrow suction of a crevice tool, but is 4 inches wide.

Now you can apply concentrated cleaning action to the surfaces of curtains and upholstery.

Then use the Upholstery Brush vacuum cleaner attachment slim-line head like a crevice tool, easing deep between seat cushions and into other narrow gaps.

Ideaworks have even thought of adding a lint strip for pet hairs and fibres, making the Upholstery Brush a Lint Brush too.

Includes 2 free adapters to fit most makes of vacuum cleaner (except Dyson).

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