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Three Shelf Oven Rack picture
Three Shelf Oven Rack picture

Three Shelf Oven Rack.

Three Shelf Oven Rack picture
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Three shelf oven rack creates extra oven shelf space by allowing you to stack containers as you cook.

Stored flat, the three shelf oven rack unfolds to 8.25 in x 8 in x 14.5 in (21 cm x 20.3 cm x 36.8 cm) instantly increasing the space in your oven.

Now you can slide in trays of potatoes or other goodies next to a roast or casserole.

Or stack up loads of cupcakes, though it is tough enough to take three casseroles.

In small ovens you can fit up to three times more food into the limited space.

Having a extra oven shelves means everything can be done at once in a way that is convenient, green and saves money.

Three shelf oven rack is made from chrome coated steel.

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