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Stone And Decking Cleaner 500ml picture
Stone And Decking Cleaner 500ml picture

Stone And Decking Cleaner 500ml.

Stone And Decking Cleaner 500ml picture
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Stone and decking cleaner effectively cleans AND creates a non stick surface to prevent muck coming back.

We send you a half litre bottle, you magically bit by bit turn this into 25 litres of powerful cleanser.

Cut through the accumulated funk of dirt, moss, algae and grime so that your masonry, stone, brickwork, tombstones on graves, garden ornaments and wood furniture and decking are cleaned.

Stand back and admire your work.

And stand back

There`s a none stick coating so that every time it rains your stone or decking is cleaned.

For up to 12 months.

We mentioned 500ml makes 25 litres, that is 50x the bottle`s volume or enough to cover 100 square metres.

There could be enough Stone and decking cleaner to ask last you years.

So you are not just cleaning up stone and decking, you are cleaning up in savings.

Or put it another way, less of the green stuff AND more of the green stuff.

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