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Small Ionic Air Cleaner picture

Small Ionic Air Cleaner.

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Small ionic air cleaner is a battery operated mini ioniser you can wear round your neck, put on your desk or give to your dog (seriously).

As you know Negative Ions can help give relief during allergy season, take pet dander out of the air, improve crowded or public areas, disperse cigarette or cigar smoke and help with poor ventilated areas, aeroplane, bus, train or car travel.

At 6.5 x 5 x 2.2cm and 35 grams wear the small ionic air cleaner on your belt, or the makers also suggest attach it to your dog`s collar.

Just like humans dogs can have allergies and this may stop your dogs travel sickness.

Runs off 2 x AAA batteries, and you could also use rechargeable batteries.

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